Healing Online Gambling Addiction Through Therapy At A Rehabilitation Center

Healing Online Gambling Addiction Through Therapy At A Rehabilitation Center

Talking about the rise of addicts to online gambling and online games in Indonesia, we are certainly very sad to know about this facts. The reason is that most addicts are young people who should be the next generation of the nation. There are many ways to heal addiction to online gambling for the next generation. Healing online gambling addiction through therapy at a rehabilitation center is one of the ways.

Responding to this phenomenon, one of the board members of the Ciamis Islamic boarding school, West Java, provided online gambling addiction drugs and online games specifically. In the middle of this boarding school environment, there is a special building as a rehabilitation center for addicts. This building unit is a place to provide treatment in the form of mental therapy.

Center for gambling addiction rehabilitation were formerly rehab center for drug addicts. Almost every day the rehab center is always full of students who help with the therapy process. This rehab center accepts new students who used to be addicts to online gambling and online games from various regions. There are even some students who come from outside Indonesia such as Malaysia. 

Healing Online Gambling Addiction Through Therapy At A Rehabilitation Center


This rehab center acts as a therapy for online gambling addiction and this online game focuses on therapy so that students who are being treated no longer have abnormal behavior. We all know that the phenomenon of addiction to gambling and online games encourages unnatural behavior.

For addicts, gambling and online games are very important and addictive. Even worse, an addict often forgets his main activities. For example work, college, school, etc. These addicts are also reluctant to take care of their health and body hygiene while playing their favorite gambling or online game. 

Taking care of body hygiene, for example, is bathing, eating and sleeping. As a result, their health has decreased, their physical appearance looks not fresh and shabby. No wonder there is currently a lot of research related to the method for drug addiction to online gambling and online games. 


Still about the phenomenon of addiction to gambling and online games, there is a journal that reveals that most addicts feel excessive anxiety when they are ‘on a’ gamble. 

When this moment occurs, this addict has no interest in any other activity besides gambling. As a result, he tends to be a lazy and antisocial individual. Social relations including family have become bad. 

In the same journal, researchers also informed that someone who has addictive behavior towards gambling or online games has a different activity in his brain. These different brain activities tend to be the same as those of other addicts (addictive substances, pornography, etc.). 


The increasing number of addicts who need addiction therapy for online gambling and online games has made many developed countries like China build many special rehabilitation centers. Indonesia is also following in China’s footsteps considering the number of gambling and game addicts in Indonesia is not playing games. One of the rehab centers that is ready to serve prospective students with compulsive behavior is the Nurul Firdaus Islamic Boarding School, Ciamis. 


Apart from providing a physical building as a rehabilitation center for santri who were former addicts, this boarding school also provides therapists and medical personnel to support the performance of the rehabilitation program. The students also often help the health workers on duty, especially the therapists.

Healing Online Gambling Addiction Through Therapy At A Rehabilitation Center
source: laparent.com

Online gambling itself is very popular in Indonesia. Even though it has been legally, morally and religiously prohibited, many online gambling fans access online gambling sites. Kominfo itself is currently working on a special program in order to permanently block online gambling sites. By buying special technology products that use adaptive Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, sites that contain online gambling practices are automatically lost. 

There are many types of online gambling that exist. Call it for example online poker, dominoes, craps, online slots, sportsbooks, blackjack, and many others. And each online gambling site usually offers all types of online gambling. 

Apart from the intention to stop gambling plus running therapy, it is important for addicts to stay away from the world of gambling. For example, by reducing interactions with those who still like to play online gambling, permanently blocking online gambling sites, and of course being close to God. 

That is our article about online gambling addiction drugs which turned out to be in the form of therapy. Hope this information is useful for you. It is better to avoid the world of gambling and stay healthy.