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How To Overcome Gambling Addiction In Hinduism

The discussion this time is quite different because loyal readers of our site will get new knowledge about how to overcome gambling addiction in Hinduism. We hope that through this article, readers can gain new insights that in any religion, the practice of gambling is illegal. 

In connection with the topic of this discussion, the gambling practice of the Balinese people, who are predominantly Hindu, is identical to the Tabuh Rah religious ritual. Whereas the practice of cockfighting gambling (Balinese people call it ‘tajen’) and Tabuh Rah are two very different things. 


You need to know that the Balinese, who are Hindu, recognize a Tabuh Rah religious ritual as part of a form of worship. Tabuh Rah is a religious ritual in which the ritual shows the action of pitting a rooster or other type of animal. 

tabuh rah and how to overcome gambling addiction
source: komangputra.com

Although this ritual also uses money as a complement to the ritual, Tabuh Rah is not a gambling practice. The money used can be in the form of real money (current money) or it can also be in the form of coins. Customary leaders do not determine the amount of money for this religious ritual. in other words, the public may donate whatever or whatever they want.

The results of the money collected will later be used for religious ceremonies, not given to the champion owner who wins the contest. Well, in terms of goals it is different from Tajen. Tajen has elements of gambling practices, especially those that have to do with betting conditions. There are provisions regarding the bet amount and the Tajen winner will get the entire bet. 


In Hinduism, gambling is prohibited. Gambling practice in general will interfere with the mental spiritual quality. Gamblers are individuals whose morals and faith are weak because they cannot control their intentions to gamble properly. Meanwhile, to have good personal qualities, each person must have strong moral & faith provisions. With this provision, someone will be able to implement ways to how to overcome gambling addiction in Hinduism quite easily. 


Gambling, which is none other than an example of society’s disease, arises from the existence of bad qualities that are naturally inherent in humans. Gambling, or ‘metoh’ in the language of the Balinese people, can trigger greed, anger and greed like those in the Smerti Sarasamuccaya (Sloka 105 and 106). That is why we have find ways to stop online gambling addiction for its complicated bad results that we can face.

Anger, in turn, can spill over into other bad things such as disharmony, both disharmony with society in general and disharmony with the family as in the Hindu Scriptures, Reg Veda x.34.13. 

The excerpt from the Reg Veda Scriptures more or less explains that we, human beings, are to be satisfied with the existing income. Enough with the income. Dewa Alam Senresla, Dewa Sawita, had given this advice for humanity to live it. 

From this quote, the question of gambling is prohibited. We can also see a valuable lesson about the impact of gambling from the legendary story of the Mahabharata, where Yudhistira lost to Duryadana gambling. As a result, Yudhistira’s wife who is at stake now belongs to Duryadana. That is why, I think it is so important to know how to overcome gambling addiction in Hinduism.


Another very effective way to how to overcome gambling addiction in Hinduism is to get closer to God. How to? Of course, by carrying out four religious rituals in Hinduism, namely Anggavati Aaraadhana, Satywavati Aaraadhana, Nidanavati Aaraadhana, and Anyavati Aaraadhana. 

how to overcome gambling addiction
source: thehoneycombers.com

According to Hindu religious teachings, Satywavati Aaraadhana is a form of ritual worship in which we have the belief that God is one with the entire universe. God is always in every particle of butter in milk, fire in burning wood and so on. 

While Anggavati Aaraadhana is a more profound form of worship ritual. Hindus believe that all the elements in the universe (water, earth, air, fire, earth. And ether) are none other than the embodiment of God. Hindus are supposed to worship Him. 

Nidanavati Aaraadhana is a form of worship ritual that contains 9 paths of devotion: Shravanam (listening), Kiitanam (singing praises to God), Vishnusmaranam (meditating on the name of God), Paadaseevaanam (worshiping the holy feet of God), Vandanam (prostrating to God), Archanam (performing rituals of worship), Daasyam (serving God), Sheenam (being God’s friend), and Aatmaniveedanam (surrendering to God). 

Anyavati Aaraadhana itself is a form of Hindu belief that God has various forms and names with certain characteristics. With this worship, Hindus recognize many gods as manifestations of God. Call it for example Lord Vishnu with chakra, lotus, mace, and suspicion in his four hands. There is also the Gangaadhari with the Ganges River in His hair as the embodiment of Shiva. 

So, that’s all aou article about how to overcome gambling addiction in Hinduism. I hope this article bring something good for you all readers.


Reference Source: https://infinity8.icu